
Orthodontics for Children

 Orthodontics for  children

Vicentino Orthodontic Center Orthodontics for Children


What is Orthodontics?

Modern Orthodontics is a branch of orthodontics specialized in diagnosis, prevention, treatment of malocclusions which appear as anomalies of development and position related to maxillaries and teeth.

The main goals the orthodontist wants to reach at the end of each treatment are not only a matter of correct teeth alignment, but also a harmonious face aesthetics, an efficient chewing function and improved health conditions of teeth and their support tissues.


How the FIRST CHECK-UP take place?

Doctor Caliari, in charge of the Centro Ortodontico Vicentino, during the first check-up will evaluate the nature of the problem and prescribe possible detailed exams such as:

  •  panoramic radiograph
  • latero-lateral teleradiography
  • intraoral and extraoral pictures
  • dental arch impressions for the creation of chalk models of the mouth

This will allow to carry out a correct diagnosis and establish the best orthodontic treatment in order to optimize the duration and stability in time. During this first phase, we will explain to the patient the path we will be doing together, and we will give him/her a small folder which illustrates all the phases which follow the first check-up. See the Folder Orthodontics to smile


We recommend bringing your child to an orthodontic specialist between the ages of three and six.
This is the best time to evaluate the health of the structures that make up the craniofacial architecture. It will be possible to intercept any anomalies in the development of the position of the jawbones and teeth that may affect the well-being of the mouth, as well as the child’s body.
It is now established that incorrect development of the jawbones and altered function of the stomatognathic system (chewing, breathing, swallowing) can negatively affect posture, function and movement of other body areas.

Intercepting the signals of dental-skeletal disharmony before the age of six allows them to be corrected and treated more effectively.

Remember that an early intervention is crucial

In this interceptive phase, various specialists like orthodontists, speech therapists, osteopaths, and ear, nose, and throat doctors can collaborate with a pediatric dentist.
This combination of approaches enables the most complete and definitive correction of any functional alteration.
Removable orthodontic appliances and re-education exercises are used to prepare a correct relationship between the dental arches, create sufficient space for dental alignment, and correct movements of the tongue and perioral musculature. This early treatment phase does not eliminate the eventual need for orthodontic therapy in permanent dentition, but it does make it simpler.

Orthodontics in the first phase, during the mixed dentition period, typically between the ages of 5 and 9, corrects muscular forces, especially of the tongue, which can negatively affect the harmonious development of the jawbones.
It uses functional orthodontic appliances and specific exercises to correct the movements of the tongue and perioral musculature. Collaboration with specialists like speech therapists, osteopaths, and ear, nose, and throat doctors is essential in this phase because the combination of these different approaches enables the most complete and definitive correction of any functional alteration. Orthodontic interception is, therefore, fundamental to preparing a correct relationship between the dental arches and allowing the creation of spaces suitable for dental alignment, eliminating those muscular interferences that would hinder orthodontic treatments in the future. Orthodontic treatment begins just before the completion of dental transition, when necessary. Its goal is to align teeth using various types of fixed appliances (brackets) customized in treatment plans and duration. For patients who have already undergone orthodontic interception treatment, orthodontic treatment will be facilitated.

Some infantile behaviors in children can orient parents in choosing an orthodontic consultation. Often these are commonly called “bad habits” that, if prolonged over time, will negatively influence children’s mouth development.

These behaviors include:
  • using a pacifier beyond age 3,
  • thumb-sucking beyond age 2,
  • using a bottle beyond age 5.


Other behaviors that parents may notice include:
  • mouth breathing
  • discomfort with articulating words and swallowing
  • snoring or nighttime dyspnea
  • keeping the lips constantly open

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8:30 AM > 7 PM 
Saturday 9 Am > 1 PM by appointment only
Closed on Sunday