
YOUR MOUTH in action

The ethical code is an instrument that we decided to write in order to define the criteria which inspire the daily work of the Dentisti Vignato Clinic and which govern its actions inside and outside our office. The word ethics originates from ancient Greek èthos, meaning character, behaviours and customs.

We started from the character of our Clinic and from those values which have always characterized our job in over 50 years, that is since 1957. They have become the elements which give strength to its professionals, day after day.
Just like a mouth which, in order to chew correctly, needs its various parts to be in harmony with one another and to be carefully treated. Similarly, our study is based on specific values which make it function correctly, as if they were incisors, canines, bicuspids and molars.
We started our project from the image of our mouth: a door which expresses feelings and, at the same time, receives external emotions. The mouth represents the cornerstone of our work and the means to build confidence between doctor and patient. Tradition, passion, safety, competence, interest in art, sports and social issues: these are the principles which inspire our work and which make us smile with you.


We have identified eight keywords which express our values. Each word contains the word “action” because we believe this is the key that enables us to read the relationships inside our Dental Clinic and in the area where we operate, the city of Palladio, Vicenza. Each word becomes a microcosm of stories, in which each of us can recognize, identify and reflect itself. And come into action.
Eight words for eight inner geographies, which flood towards new borders and intersect with other people’s stories. As in our dental office, which is a place of daily gatherings. Relationships are the cornerstones of our team work and the essential values which launch the action towards health protection and wellbeing for everyone.



Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Relazione

A mouth to participate

The core of our job is to build a relationship of trust between the patient, doctors and all the staff of our dental clinic. Moreover, we give importance to the relationship with our suppliers, in order to offer and guarantee quality and innovation day after day. Care and respect are the characteristics we give to this relationship with one another, in order to professionally satisfy the needs of those who choose to come to us.


Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Innovazione

A mouth to amaze

We are professionals in orthodontics: the Dentisti Vignato Clinic follows international protocols on quality and safety and our goal is to always improve its services. We use the most advanced techniques to transform fear and pain into positive feelings and our surgical department is the flagship of our clinic. We call ourselves into question every day to offer an innovative and creative look at our profession.


Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Trasformazione

A mouth to change

Sometimes it is just a slight change, made of small steps. Sometimes it is faster and crucial. But, the moment we enter the Dentisti Vignato Clinic, we give birth to new relationships which will transform us. Our job is to make sure that this transformation is positiveand relieves us from fears, in order to leave space for a smile.


codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Comunicazione

A mouth to let understand

We take care of communication in detail, in order to let you understand how we work and give you all the necessary tools to know us better. Once you enter the Dentisti Vignato Clinic, we directly accompany you to discover our services, but we also believe in the importance of web and social communication: our website is an on line window about our clinic, while the Facebook page “Dentisti Vignato” allows us to have a daily contact with our patients.


Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Ambientazione

A mouth to breathe

Our dental clinic is located in Vicenza, the city of Palladio. The works of this artist from the Republic of Venice were able to value our city, in the same way as our goal is to build, through our job, an architecture of relationships which are sensitive to the area in which we operate. We believe to have a collective responsibility towards the city which we cross everyday: for this reason, we want our job to have improving consequences on the society of Vicenza.


Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Generazione

A mouth to grow

We care for all ages.
Our pedodontics center is highly specialized in care and prevention of children, with a particular attention to the psychological aspect of the doctor-patient relationship. We want to build a relationship of trust with both children and adults, a relationship based on dialogue and capable of solving problems in harmony, avoiding pain and without anxieties and fears.


codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Sensazione

A mouth to smile

We want to generate positive sensations which make us smile.
We do it by evaluating personal relationships. We therefore try to get to know the patient well and his/her feelings and establish a dialogue based on trust. “Conscious sedation” and “Hypnosis” are advanced techniques we use to create a path in which the patient can consciously dissociate anxiety from other sensations and make room for positive feelings. By doing this, a dental appointment becomes an experience which makes us feel at home.


Codice etico Dentisti Vignato - Educazione

A mouth to learn

Our mouth is an instrument to get to know the world around us, by tasting it day after day. It is like standing in front of a lavishly decked table: we discover the reality by tasting the daily relationships which are part of it and we learn to take care of ourselves and others.
We believe education is the basis of health protection because knowing ourselves in the world – starting from our mouth – makes us more responsible and aware.


We like challenges and drafting an ethical code is a new challenge which we wanted to face and which we now throw to you “Our mouth is in action”. It is now your turn: open the door of the Dentisti Vignato Clinic and get involved with the Vignato philosophy. Let’s look for your oral geography together: we can trace new (smiling) paths for a healthy and conscious smile.


The ethics of our work is described with eight multiform words: eight visions, evocative but simple images which leave space for imagination and sensitivity. They are built starting from small objects, essential parts and three-dimensional natural elements to explore in a personal game of sensations: it is the first step towards a collective transformation, based on trust and value of relationships.


The ethical code does not have overdoses and “its consumption” can be for a long and constant period of time. We suggest you get an orthodontic check-up every 6 months.


Texts – Chiara Spadaro
Graphics – Studio Beaker
Art director – Elisa Paiusco