
All actions of publicity of health and information are sponsored by the Poliambulatorio Vignato srl Dental Surgery, as well as the website were made following the strict guidelines regulated by the art no. 55/56/57 of the code of medical ethics.


– it clearly and precisely shows who operates as an employee in the dental services, hence, qualified to practice odontologist and hygienists;

– the information given within the site are clear, recognisable, truthful and not misleading;

– the information is not comparative so do not make comparisons with other competitors

– the information in content is for the protection for the public health both individually and collectively.

The information fully complies with the “Legislative Decree n.70 of April 9th 2003”, since, it has been indicated:

– The business name and the registered office where each centre operates;

– the essential data that allow a quick contact, efficient and directly to the centre;

Titles and registration of the professional medical registry can be traced and can be taken for inspection at the dental facilities subject to this legal notice;

– for Vicenza Dental Centres and Poliambulatorio Vignato srl Dental Surgery a VAT number has been indicated for every business activity

– the site was registered in Italy to ensure the operator’s identification and of the customer advertising.

The site also complies with the Ethical Guidelines of the ethical code of the OMCeO (Provincial association of Surgeons and Dentists) as of the 2nd of April 2007 that is to the standard criteria of quality of health information on the net.