
A unique anxiolytic path, as unique is every patient

Taking care of your teeth is our reason to help you re-establish a new and more harmonious relationship with your oral world, a universe of emotions to live.

For patients who need help to face medical treatments, our clinic offers two different anxiolytic path: conscious sedation and hypnosis, that can also be integrated.


Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is a relational and pharmacological technique to help anxious patients face therapy with a relaxed state of mind.
When we use anxiolysis, the patient is awake and in constant contact with the dentist who inspires (suggests) positive images to increase self-confidence and trust in others.

How does it occur? Are there any risks for the patient?

It occurs through the establishment of a relationship of trust between the dentist-person and the patient-person, with the aid of common anxiolytics for longer and more invasive therapies.

When using this technique, the patient´s health is particularly protected from events caused by fear and anxiety. These negative emotions are the cause of many unpleasant episodes, at the heart of the so-called bad dental experiences.

What if my kids are afraid of the dentist?

If kids are welcomed and treated with passion, they rarely refuse treatments.
Kids can be easily involved by using their language, that is with phantasy and dreams.The correct therapy to face kids´ fears consists in a “sharing dedication” which makes them feel they are the center of their story. When treating very small children or when doing very complicated therapies, we use the gaseous support represented by the nitrous oxide mask. This technique allows them to stay awake and disinterested at the same time and is the most commonly used in the world. It has no risks.

To deepen treatments for your baby

Hypnosis or the power of language

Hypnosis expresses one of the most powerful characteristics of the human language, meaning the chance for each person to access his/her emotional world.  Living in serenity with emotions means an increased state of relaxation and a self awareness.

Hypnosis, when purified from popular beliefs and freed from the show business, represents an opportunity to improve the doctor-patient relationship and make the orthodontic and surgical treatment more pleasant and more simple. It also increases the chances of interacting and positively leading the relationship in any situation.

Through communication and techniques of hypnotic induction, the orthodontist has a flexible and efficient tool to dialog with the patient’s emotional world, meaning the real origin of the irrational fear of the dentist.

Hypnosis and liberation of orthodontic anxiety

The hypnologist’s mentality is meant to dialog with anxious adult patients in order to create the conditions for a peaceful therapy to discover oneself. Many anxious patients, indeed, are positively surprised when we offer them a path which, besides the necessary orthodontic treatment, is meant to free them from the orthodontic anxiety. Once the path is through and there is a positive result, their satisfaction becomes the best image of the professional.

What does the hypnotic state imply for the person?

The hypnotic state is a particular psychological and neurophysiological condition in which the person functions in a special way, thanks to the intensity of his/her attention and the strong decrease in distractions. In this focused situation, the person functioning hypnotically not only maintains the ability to use will or reason, but shows to be less manipulable, to the point that it is not possible to force him/her to act against his/her will.

In which specific cases are hypnotic techniques particularly useful?
  1. vomiting reflex;
  2. needle phobia;
  3. hypersalivation and tongue and cheek hypertonia;
  4. acquiring new hygienic behaviours;
  5. bruxism, nausea and recidivous herpes simplex;
  6. diagnosis of most complex cases in which the psychological component prevents the specialist from formulating the best clinical strategy;
  7. analgesia and deep myorelaxation;
  8. treatment of anxious children;
  9. dental phobia in general.
The figure of the hypnologist orthodontist

The orthodontist professional image conceals the big trick of a simple technician which people often ascribe him/her. Part of this is due to the category of orthodontists who are engaged in appropriating techniques and therefore omit the undeniable ars medica of this profession.

Being an orthodontist means being in constant contact with the deepest nature of the human being. Those who treat the oral cavity must be aware of their role and possess the tools and the language to involve the patient in a relationship which will take place along the treatment path, knowing that finding one’s smile often means finding oneself.

Opening times

  • Monday – Friday 8:30 AM > 7 PM
  • Saturday 9 AM > 1 PM by appointment
  • Closed on Monday

Do you have medical insurance or a company Welfare plan?

We offer numerous payment methods to meet all your needs. For patients with medical insurance, we provide support in completing all necessary insurance documentation. The clinic is provider for Gmmi (Global Medical Management) – Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Book an Appointment

Write to us here, the secretary will contact you as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.