Nowadays more and more adult patients undergo orthodontic treatments to obtain the beautiful and healthy smile they have always dreamed of. The quality of life has improved, as well as the one of social relationships and self-esteem. Those who have done an orthodontic treatment as adults, would recommend it.
Modern Orthodontics is a branch of orthodontics specialized in diagnosis, prevention, treatment of malocclusions which appear as anomalies of development and position related to maxillaries and teeth.
The main goals the orthodontist wants to reach at the end of each treatment are not only a matter of correct teeth alignment, but also a harmonious face aesthetics, an efficient chewing function and improved health conditions of teeth and their support tissues.
It is important to dispel the fake myth which considers orthodontics suitable only for kids and teenagers, as most orthodontic therapies in adults are as successful as the ones on younger patients and can obtain great results.
However, we should consider that, in kids we intervene when the skeletal growth is ongoing, while for adults we can only act on dental movements, which request more time to stabilize. At the end of the treatment it is important to use an orthodontic contention in order to maintain results in time. At the end of treatment, it is also essential to use a retention appliance to maintain the results over time.
Many times, an adult patient is not inclined to undergo orthodontic treatment because their idea of wearing the classic brace with attachments can cause pain and discomfort to the tongue and inner cheek creating language alterations and, in general, inhibiting social relationships.
With invisible orthodontics, the problem is solved thanks to minimally invasive and transparent devices, or positioned lingually, which discreetly interfere with normal social life.
Find out how invisible orthodontics works
Doctor Caliari, in charge of the Centro Ortodontico Vicentino, during the first check-up will evaluate the nature of the problem and prescribe possible detailed exams such as:
This will allow to carry out a correct diagnosis and establish the best orthodontic treatment in order to optimize the duration and stability in time. During this first phase, we will explain to the patient the path we will be doing together, and we will give him/her a small folder which illustrates all the phases which follow the first check-up. See the Folder Orthodontics to smile
An aligned dentition is not only synonym of self-confidence and aesthetics, as it contributes to maintaining teeth and the periodontium healthy (specialized tissues that support the teeth) and, most important thing, it improves chewing by preventing jaw pain, cavities, migraines, neck pain, postural disfunctions, digestive problems. Thanks to Orthodontics we can also solve respiratory problems, snoring ones or those of sleep apnea. It also helps with neuromuscular problems, such as teeth grinding.
Overlapping teeth, even if partially, can facilitate the presence of plaque and tartar together with gum recession and bone loss around teeth, as well as the outbreak of periodontal diseases. Other times, a wrong contact between dental elements caused by malocclusion can lead to an increase in use and mobility. Scientific evidence has proven that bacteria present in tartar, through hematic circulation, can circulate and cause hardening of the arteries and increase the chances of experimenting a stroke or a heart attack.
The duration of the treatment varies depending on the orthodontic problem and the incorrect position of the teeth, but it is predetermined and communicated by the orthodontist. The myth of treatments lasting forever should be debunked because some appliances can achieve the expected result in just one year, but the average of a complete orthodontic therapy is generally between 18 and 24 months.
Certainly, the use of orthodontic appliances, based on the severity of the problem, can be very useful in correcting dental shifts and closing spaces between teeth.
Because dental bridges work exactly like road bridges: the supporting pillars must necessarily be straight. In case of crooked teeth, the bridge will rest on support teeth that are not positioned correctly and could offer poor support.
It is possible because a tooth with a crown is subject to movement just like a filled tooth.
Retention is a removable appliance for the upper arch that should only be worn at night. In the lower arch, a metal wire fixed internally to the teeth is more commonly used. Retention is essential at the end of orthodontic treatment to stabilize the work done. It must be worn according to the orthodontist’s instructions, but in general, a period of about 3 years is expected.
It only happens in rare cases, usually due to poor hygiene and exceptionally long treatments.
We offer numerous payment methods to meet all your needs. For patients with medical insurance, we provide support in completing all necessary insurance documentation. The clinic is provider for Gmmi (Global Medical Management) – Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Due realtà che operano da oltre 30 anni fianco a fianco per la salute orale di adulti e bambini.
Tel. 0444302284 – 0444300347
Contrà Torretti 54
P. IVA e C.F. 02479380244
Aut. Sanitaria n° PGN192722
Contrà Torretti 54
P. IVA e C.F. 03314160247
Aut. Sanitaria n° PGN192716