
A tooth once hurt…
since then I regularly go to the dentist

Ho male a un dente - Dentisti Vignato

Toothache is one of the most terrible pains and can ruin the most wonderful moments of our life. It can happen all of a sudden or in a slow and gradual way.

The Vignato dental Clinic is always at your disposal at the number 0444.302284 or 0444.300347 from Monday to Friday from 8.30 AM to 7 PM and on Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM should you need any piece of advice.
We have also created an emergency line to which you can send emails any time of the year:

Until we meet, here are some indications to do prevention and make a self-diagnosis.

When was the last time you went to the dentist?

This is the first question you should ask yourself in order to have an idea on why you have a toothache.
If your last dental appointment was 1 or 2 years ago, then it might be a matter of laziness.
Keep in mind that an oral hygiene, combined with an X-ray scan, should be done every 6 months and is the starting point of a healthy mouth, since it reduces the chances of sudden pain.

Is the pain focused on one tooth or spread on many teeth?

Pain present only on one tooth often corresponds to a superficial dental cavity. Sugars contained in food cause a pain which lasts a few seconds.
Pulsating pain corresponds to a deep dental cavity which reaches the tooth. Pain is intolerable and tends to improve by pressing on the tooth.
If pain also involves mouth and gums, then it is usually a gum disease and requires an orthodontic appointment or a professional oral hygiene session.


Is the pain localized in correspondence of posterior teeth?

It could get confused with toothache, but could actually be a small sinusitis. It occurs during intermediate periods of the year, when temperature leaps are more present.
If the pain also involves the eye, it could be a neuralgia or a sinusitis which is becoming a more serious form.


Does your jaw hurt?

It can often be linked to the eruption of a wisdom tooth, which then causes a neuralgia of the mandibular nerve (in particular between the age of 18 and 25). If the wisdom tooth has already partially or fully erupted, it could be a dental cavity or a gum inflammation (pericoronitis).
Neuralgias of the mandibular nerve can indicate a trigeminal neuralgia, even if there is no apparent relationship with the teeth.


Is the swelling visible in some parts of the face?

This is due to the presence of an abscess which regards teeth, but which originated in salivary glands.
It shows an evolutionary pathology and needs to be seen by the dentist. The part is hot, painful and the skin is very tense. A first emergency device can be ice.


Do you feel burning pain on your cheeks, tongue or old prosthesis?

It can often be a mouth sore. It is a bacterial ulceration of the mucous membrane. It can occur after certain orthodontic treatments or accidental injuries in areas where the mucous membrane rubs on sharp parts, such as broken teeth, tartar or inaccurate prosthesis.
It generally lasts only a few days and terminates spontaneously. Pain increases if we eat sour or spicy food.


Is it normal to feel pain after a root canal?

Yes, it is. In some cases it can also last for a week. It then disappears spontaneously and gradually. In some cases, the endodontist can recommend to take antibiotics and painkillers.


I have a sudden and severe toothache!! What can I do before the orthodontic appointment?

The pain itself can be reduced by taking painkillers. If there is also a pulsating pain, it is better to sleep in an upright position by placing two pillows under the head in order to avoid an increase of blood pressure in the oral cavity. Warm food, sports and abrupt movements should be avoided until the dentist visits us.


Do teeth hurt when having hot and cold drinks?

There are some dentitions which are very sensitive. However, hypersensitivity to hot and cold could also mean the presence of a dental cavity or of uncovered dental necks (initial part of the root which is very sensitive) due to a gingival recession. In both cases, we suggest you see the dentist for a check-up.


Are teeth more sensitive after a filling?

Yes, it can happen, but it is usually a reaction which disappears in a few days. If it continues, we suggest you see the dentist who will then evaluate a possible retreatment.


Why does my temporomandibular joint hurt and I feel muscular pain in the morning or during the day?

Temporomandibular joint pain mainly regards women and has complex origins.
In general, we can say that noises when opening and closing our mouth always represent an alteration of the occlusion. An alterated occlusion does not enable condyles to move in a symmetric way and the meniscus blocks the normal movement, therefore producing the typical click of joint pathologies.
If our mouth makes a noise when opening and closing and we also feel a limitation in movements or a mouth deviation, it means that the joint structure is facing a severe anatomical degeneration.
However, the final diagnosis can only be done with the aid of a magnetic resonance.

Muscular pain has different origins. It has to do with the tension that our body lets off on our mouth muscles. In severe cases, it is associated with joint pathologies, but the muscles involved are different. In cases of bruxism, or grinding, the muscles involved are the masseter, the temporalis or the sternomastoid while, in cases of articular problems, the internal pterygoid muscle is involved. Signs of bruxism and grinding are: ruined teeth, recurring migraine and difficulty to relax during working hours and during the night.
Diagnosing and solving these pathologies requires a lot of experience and competence which you can find in our dental clinic.


Why is it sometimes necessary to extract healthy teeth?

Teeth align along the arches and adjust according to muscular forces and the room they find. The arch is sometimes not long enough to host all teeth. Therefore, the last teeth to erupt cannot align correctly and arrange where they find less resistance.
If we want to align teeth to have a good occlusion, but an expansion of the arch is not possible, it might be necessary to extract teeth which are often perfectly healthy. This is the reason why wisdom teeth are often extracted.


The most recurrent causes of toothache

Dental cavities
They are mainly caused by bacteria present in bacterial plaques which transform sugars into destructive acid for the dental enamel. Decalcification causes small cavities in the enamel which then enable the bacteria to penetrate deeply, therefore damaging more internal tissues such as the dentin. If a cavity is noticed during its initial phase, it can be solved with a simple filling. If it penetrates deeply, the tooth has to be first devitalized and then reconstructed.
Bacteria act on sugars during the first 10/15 minutes after meals and during the night, if there are remains of food. It is therefore very important to brush teeth after each meal: morning, noon and evening. We also have to pay attention to baby teeth in kids since they can be easily attacked by cavities.
An essential aid is the floss, which enables us to remove the plaque in places not reached by the toothbrush.
The presence of old inaccurate fillings enables the plaque to easily become stagnant, therefore accelerating the process described above.


The abscess is a collection of pus inside periodontal pockets, dental alveoli or in the apical area of the teeth with a deep cavity.
When it happens, we feel a strong pain in the most internal part of the tooth and a swelling, together with a rise in temperature and a swelling of the lymph nodes. The periodontal abscess reabsorbs the bone and therefore makes the tooth mobile. It is associated to a strong pain, it increases sensitivity and we feel a bad taste.


Gengivitis is mainly caused by the collection of bacterial plaque which transforms into tartar. It isan inflammation of the gums which become red and oftenbleeding. The toothbrush can increase the pain and the gum often pulls back, leaving the tooth base uncovered and very sensitive. Traumas such as excessive brushing, lack of vitamins, debilitating diseases, smoke and abuse of alcohol can cause a gingivitis.


Dental neuralgia is caused by the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. It is the one which confers sensitivity to the skin of the face and to the upper part of the head. It can cause intense and throbbing pain and a feeling similar to an electric shock which can last up to a couple of minutes with irregular intervals. The trigeminal neuralgia can occur at mandibular level, in the maxillary district and in the ophthalmicone.