Orthodontic appliance: tips to relieve the discomfort
On first days a new dental appliance can cause some discomfort due to the displacement of teeth and the size of the orthodontic device to which the mouth must gradually get used to. There are some tricks that can make this “impact” with the new device more pleasant, here are our advice: change your diet. […]
Sleep bruxism: how to diagnose it and treat it
Sleep bruxism? The Orthodontic Center has a new tool for the diagnosis of this pathology. It enables to register night events, plan a more accurate and safer treatment and monitor improvements over time. A special portable holter will register the activity of the masticatory muscles and the heart, which shows an increase in frequency […]
Orthodontic restraint is very important. Why?
You cannot wait to remove your orthodontic appliance and admire your new smile, but you were told to wear the orthodontic restraint? Orthodontic restraint, why? Let’s explain it in simple words. It may seem like the treatment is being protracted, but remember that the orthodontic restraint is essential to keep the results you have reached. […]
Tooth devitalisation: what it means
A deep cavity or a trauma can cause stabbing pain and the dentist says you need a tooth devitalisation? This may not seem very reassuring, however tooth devitalisation is one of the best conservative procedures to save your tooth from extraction. It is not painful and it can solve the problem in a short time. […]
Teeth and pregnancy: what to do?
Teeth and pregnancy: a delicate balance not to be underestimated We have often said it and heard it: mouth during pregnancy must never be neglected. The periodontal disease has long been called into question as a risk factor for premature birth, miscarriage, low weight of the baby or intrauterine growth restriction. All the above can occur […]
Trigeminal neuralgia or tooth problem?
Trigeminal neuralgia: what are we talking about? The inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, better known as trigeminal neuralgia, is a painful and chronic syndrome. It affects a pair of nerves located in a symmetric way on the left side and right side of our head. The inflammation frequently affects the right side and female subjects over […]
Satispay – The new way to pay has arrived!
Satispay has arrived to allow you to easily pay every service with your mobile phone. Did you forget your credit card at home? Or you didn’t have time to withdraw? Dont’ worry, there is a solution! From today you can pay with your mobile phone, directly connected to your bank account. If you did not […]
Food disorders: effects on our teeth
The incidence of food disorders has increased in the last few years. This is why the smile specialists have a very important role on prevention and patient treatment. Reading the signs The signs of the consequences of food disorders in the oral cavity are many and affect not just our […]
Missing tooth: why to replace it
That missing tooth which leaves an obvious hole… Have you lost a tooth, maybe in a spot in the mouth which is not very evident, and laziness has made you wait before deciding to replace it? Even if the “hole” is not noticeable, we strongly advise you not to let time pass. Unfortunately, the lack […]
Diagnocam for cavities early diagnosis
Why we use DIAGNOCAM for cavities? DIAGNOCAM is the magic instrument of our Orthodontic Center used to notice early the presence of dental cavities without using X-rays!!! DIAGNOCAM for cavities is ideal for both children and adults. It lights up teeth and makes cavities visible through the appearance of dark spots. The videocamera then captures […]